
exposed bush

I was able to catch bush's final press conference as the official President this morning. All I can say is that it's about damn time!! Don't get me wrong he still came across as an idiot, but it seems that he may now possibly be understanding the ramifications of his MANY mistakes while in office. He spoke very much of disappointment, which has been a consistent emotion felt by many of us who are not joe six packs or bible thumpers!

His little-man-syndrome laced bravado seems to have worn thin, exposing a shell of a man now faced with the reality and guilt of his actions including the premature "mission accomplished" ish, katrina, and the lack of the now imfamous WMD! Though, I'm not sure he will ever truly understand or learn from his mistakes, he is at least taking the first step and accepting these mistakes as his own.

Para mas informacion check out TIME.com

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